

Aja and I went out on a wet early morning New Years Day walk today. Taking pictures while walking Aja is a tricky thing because you can never let go of her leash or she might be gone forever! She doesn't quite trust the camera yet either so she doesn't make the greatest subject. But she's sooooo cute that we forgive all of her strange idiosyncrasies!
I am not really one for making New Years resolutions. I try to make "adjustments" in improving my life all through the year in my attempt to live each day as it comes. However, I am making a commitment to stop engaging in gossip. Sometimes, I find myself getting so caught up in it and relishing in the sordid details. Later I feel really crummy and guilty. How horrible to exploit other people's weaknesses and mistakes for one's own pleasure?! (as if I am perfect!) Yuck!
It is going to be a busy and exciting 2007! My adorable husband is going into his most challenging and work intensive term of school yet. I am on the cusp of blowing the doors open on Soul Comfort Care Package Co. I am hoping this will be the year that I bust that 1:54 1/2 marathon time (read: train, train, train). It's always exciting to see what Jessica and Julian are going to do next and watching them grow up is a pleasure even though some days I feel like a childless mother!
Carpe Diem in 2007!

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